The Boeing 747 provides enough technology for planetary orbiting in a properly constructed craft for outer atmospheric space flight with heat shielding; the space ship for commercial purposes. Will you come; It will be fun! But, if the ship had a wider shape with Mach speed capable turbo fan engines at the front and back with a swivel function then it could land vertically on the moon possibly although this is not necessary. The egg or water drop design would involve a larger front end with the craft sculpted to the back to a tapered end. There will be first class quality cabins for every passenger that are much like the first class cabins for intercontinental flight with in flight showers available. The idea is to see more of an egg shape..maybe quarter of an egg so it maintains a low drag coefficient. In fact. a flying egg with wings is not a bad idea either and it could entertain more than a hundred people with overnight facilities and maybe some weightlessness while the work to reduce weightlessness above 80000 feet is on. It seems an electromagnetic frequency is the best answer maybe with some materials for the floor, as there will be a floor, made from the earth's crust. But, you see what me a deal wit! It would be big enough to carry more than 200 people but it may help to carry only a 100 passengers with most of the space used for lab work and fuel cell energy production for propulsion. It would be regenerative and rely on the methane and hydrogen harvested from human waste. This is a proposal by Warren A. Lyon who is confident that NASA and other Space Agencies are already working on it and may have prototypes. These suggestions as seen here and in other articles are acknowledged and recognized by these same agencies as positive and career advancing. Patent pending by Warren A. Lyon, June 2nd, 2018. Designed by Warren in grade 8.

The Boeing 747  provides enough technology for planetary orbiting in a properly constructed craft for outer atmospheric space flight with heat shielding; the space ship for commercial purposes.  Will you come; It will be fun!  But, if the ship had a wider shape with Mach speed  capable turbo fan engines at the front and back with a swivel  function then it could land vertically on the moon possibly although this is not necessary.  The egg or water drop design would involve a larger front end with the craft sculpted to the back to a tapered end.    There will be first class quality cabins for every passenger that are  much like the first class cabins  for intercontinental flight with in flight showers available.  The idea is to see more of an egg shape..maybe quarter of an egg  so it maintains a low drag coefficient.   In fact. a flying egg with wings is not a bad idea either and it could entertain more than a hundred people with overnight facilities and maybe some weightlessness while the work to reduce weightlessness above 80000 feet is on. It seems an electromagnetic frequency is the best answer maybe with some materials for the floor, as there will be a floor, made from the earth's crust.  But, you see what me a deal wit!  It would be big enough to carry more than 200 people but it may help to carry only a 100 passengers with most of the space used for lab work and fuel cell energy production for propulsion. It would be regenerative and rely on the methane and hydrogen harvested from human waste. 

This is a proposal by Warren A. Lyon who is confident that NASA and other Space Agencies are already working on it and may have prototypes. These suggestions as seen here and in other articles are acknowledged and recognized by these same agencies as positive and career advancing.

Patent pending by Warren A. Lyon, June 2nd, 2018.

Designed by Warren in grade 8. 


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