The 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the Oklahoma bombing in America in 1996 were about a residual indentured servant population that is not unlike any other human population except for the issue of the ownership of real property. Bill Clinton tried to claim Federally protected native lands in Arkansas and the indentured Servant population are as free as any one else except they seem to have been born into a culture that seems to have gained its freedom a very long time ago now as of 1776 of a more recent date prior to 1865 but freedom did not mean a full acceptance of the powers that be or the world as it is with its rules as to how you gain association to a coveted school affiliation as far as Pitt vs. NYU and I see no difference between NYU and Univ of North Western or the Univ. of Chicago simply because what do you really do there these days but re-write the brown guy's essays as if you believe the Queen never knew Black people attended her Schools until he showed up at nearly the turn of the last century where he wrote the Legitimacy essay; look! Now, how is it that some people feared the high school teacher and the public school teacher as not to cheat or plagiarize on any test? But, when they go to University they seem to want to throw stones at the Coat of Arms by plagiarizing essays some how and this is a phenomenon that seems to involve an indentured servitude dna that seems to believe they are communicating their presence in the Anglo world but whose dna is possibly a bit more uh..French and who seem to be unable to respect the Coat of Arms as approved by an English system of Heraldry with the Coats of Arms in all Anglo Schools being approved by an office in Scotland and who would pay tuition to commit a criminal offense unless the submission to the coat of arms is something that they are incapable of doing in ending their vendetta against an English system? So, I say don't F£vking come to my school but maybe just be used as the consumption the economy needs and go to a basic income territory and get your compensation in your evident vendetta since your practice confirms your deeper theory here and you are not honoring anything; not even your mother and father as if the brown guy owes your for fearing his parents and loving them and every JW bus driver who got him and his colleagues to school safely and to the track meets you see what is Going ON! So, f"3k off! Get the basic income in that other territory whether or not it is Anglo, take a paramedic course and maybe teach ballet on the weekends as an additional source of income since you are the consumption androids YOU are looking for. Soon, you will have a diagnostics chip swim up your yazoo from your tampon and it will give the police officer or the paramedic all of your vital signs and bio-rhythms in addition to your current motivations since R v. Buckle(1949) is not a big deal. the chip will communicate with the diagnostics machine if you are within 3 feet of the machine;innit? It really is not a big deal but it is Bill Cosby's saving grace and yours also; this R v. Buckle my darling, my love, my angel since there is no evidence and Beverly Johnson's accusations vs. her drug use says her evidence is not really....uh credible or probative simply because...what do drug users really do when they are on drugs...I am not sure if you can really say since you can't just can't but maybe this is the whole point and what did you really want after all? The only other issue is that their emotions were not so far off from acceding to the simple rules that bind us all until the production of the movie Kingdom of Heaven(2005) that opened an old anxiety about acceptance and rejection and the inheritance; especially after you worked soo hard with your basic income and why didn't your friend leave something for you from his baseball card collection or from his photo collection when you could buy your own baseball cards and inherit your own photos. The dna was further activated to fall back into its old ways to steal from families with the production of the movie Superman Begins(2006) where you see two ruthless dark haired people steal from an old, more anglo and established North American family of any description since Luther was more...was more...bald and savvy I suppose and who finished high school in 1999 and decided to be the only heir of and inherit from an english law graduate, use all of his essays and claim to be his child, join a law society and then try to kill him and kill his family when he knows nothing about them; nothing? Who would do it but also who, in this world, would tolerate while the perpetrators chanted all day that the world owes them?

The 1993 World Trade Center bombing and the Oklahoma bombing in America in 1996 were about a residual indentured servant population that is not unlike any other human population except for the issue of the ownership of real property.  Bill Clinton tried to claim Federally protected native lands in Arkansas and the indentured Servant population are as free as any one else except they seem to have been born into a culture that seems to have gained its freedom a very long time ago now as of 1776 of a more recent date prior to 1865 but freedom did not mean a full acceptance of the powers that be or the world as it is with its rules as to how you gain association to a coveted school affiliation as far as Pitt vs. NYU and I see no difference between NYU and Univ of North Western or the Univ. of Chicago simply because what do you really do there these days but re-write the brown guy's essays as if  you believe the Queen never knew Black people attended her Schools until he showed up  at nearly the turn of the last century where he wrote the Legitimacy essay; look!   Now, how is it that some people feared the high school teacher and the public school teacher as not to cheat or plagiarize on any test? But, when they go to University they seem to want to throw stones at the Coat of Arms by plagiarizing essays some how and this is a phenomenon that seems to involve an indentured servitude dna that seems to believe they are communicating their presence in the Anglo world but whose dna is possibly a bit more uh..French and who seem to be unable to respect the Coat of Arms as approved by an English system of Heraldry with the Coats of Arms in all Anglo Schools being approved by an office in Scotland and who would pay tuition to commit a criminal offense unless the submission to the coat of arms is something that they are incapable of doing in ending their vendetta against an English system? So, I say don't F£vking come to my school but maybe just be used as the consumption the economy needs and go to a basic income territory and get your compensation in your evident vendetta since your practice confirms your deeper theory here and you are not honoring anything; not even your mother and father as if the brown guy owes your for fearing his parents and loving them and every JW bus driver who got him and his colleagues to school safely and to the track meets you see what is Going ON!   So, f"3k off! Get the basic income in that other territory whether or not it is Anglo, take a paramedic course and maybe teach ballet  on the weekends as an additional source of income since you are the consumption androids YOU  are looking for.  Soon, you will have a diagnostics chip swim up your yazoo from your tampon and it will give the police officer or the paramedic all of your vital signs and bio-rhythms in addition to your current motivations since R v. Buckle(1949) is not a big deal.  the chip will communicate with the diagnostics machine if you are within 3 feet of the machine;innit?  It really is not a big deal but it is Bill Cosby's saving grace and yours also; this R v. Buckle my darling, my love, my angel  since there is no evidence and Beverly Johnson's accusations vs. her drug use says her evidence is not really....uh credible or probative simply because...what do drug users really do when they are on drugs...I am not sure if you can really say since you can't just can't but maybe this is the whole point and what did you really want after all?   The only other issue is that their emotions were not so far off from acceding to the simple rules that bind us all until the production of the movie Kingdom of Heaven(2005) that opened an old anxiety about acceptance and rejection and the inheritance; especially after you worked soo hard with your basic income and why didn't your friend leave something for you from his baseball card collection or from his photo collection when you could buy your own baseball cards and inherit your own photos.    The dna was further activated to fall back into its old ways to steal from families with the production of the movie Superman Begins(2006) where you see two ruthless dark haired people steal from an old, more anglo and established North American family of any description since Luther was more...was more...bald and savvy I suppose and who  finished high school in 1999 and decided to be the only heir of and inherit from an english law graduate, use all of his essays and claim to be his child, join a law society and then try to kill him and kill his family when he knows nothing about them; nothing? Who would do it but also who, in this world, would tolerate while the perpetrators chanted all day that the world owes them? 


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