Did you know Anglo food sales are less popular in the UK year after year...Turkish chocolates sell more frequently than Tunnock's caramels or the Snickers bars now....Fries with your kebab...? No. I'll get some mash at F. Cooke down Islington Upper Street who sells Ramen now also. Feed the sheep, then you get more sheep and more interest to steal from the sheep or more wool to take but if your sheep are not fed with basic income, then you need to get the sheep from the other people and they are not obligated to buy your foods and celebrate your cultures or to even hang around or keep your secrets. They buy Toyota if you noticed. They don't really buy anything but their own food; quite nice though. I got some life giving(no lysol in them) yogurt drinks down near Manor House Station at the Off Licence across from Finsbury Park on the East side What a good and perfect tacit merger with Turkey or Afghanistan; innit?


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