The 1920 ideology of communism and capitalism leading to a stalemate and a question but they both extol effiency! What is the answer to this question?

The 1920 idéologie de commune et capitalism both extol economic virtues ....They Extol efficiency....Mais Parce que l'efficience you Have less human labor with  more mechanized labor.  This is automation and it is resented by some. But this efficiency is worshiped by capitalism and communism too and with it, there is less human labor in the présence of more efficient mechanized labor. This is automation. secondly you notice less consumption with less human labor. This is the stalemate or question noticed by many since 1920 in North America. but which was answered by more humane iterations of our culture. This includes The Romans.France.Germany. This includes the Russians whose common sense is idolized while you coached to resent it while every one enjoys a more reliable and cost effective consumer item. The answer to the question is to transfer some of the moneys saved on one side of the industrial equation to the other side of the equations so that there is a balancing with money in the hand of the consumer as efficient production alone is not the purpose of the economic activity but the provision of solutions to human life. It is the consumption of these solutions.     This requires sufficient money in the population.   There is an actuarial answer per citizen to achieve the right balanced result in the economy  whose real purpose in operation is not efficient production but consumption.   The laborer was the means of transfer or the conduit between the two sides of the equation. But, now it has to be UBI or universal basic income. No domestic economy can survive without it once the endeavor or automation has begun and the efficiency and the benefits socially and economically cannot be denied but consumption on the other side of the equation must be maintained as labor for the human is reduced to smaller and smaller numbers. Loss prevention is another motive while many humans in cash handling business confess openly to taking advantage of monthly or yearly or daily write offs.  They seem to have also confess to killing customers who they fear may have some kind of auditing experience but the point is UBI resolves human need and economic loss with the appropriate cost saving and loss prevention automation. Cash can still be used by the consumer but clearly machines can receive and process cash transactions; at Hotels also! UBI is now the method of transfer of money from the production side of the equation to the consumption side of the equation. There has to be a balance in the effort and there is but relying on foreign, transient basic income populations from other nations as their agenda is not national growth but cash transfer out of North America in the the North American scenario. It cannot work forever when they are not welcome for very long in spite of all of the fortune they bring and the good consumer deals fostered by their connections to producers in Asia and they do not celebrate their own  second generation who demonstrate significant displacement as they also need their own basic income but many do not return to Asia to be able to participate as did their parents generation who buy properties and lease properties in North America and who send most of the monies back to Asia as Asian basic income immigrants. The underlying motive has to be native North American self extermination as if programmed to starve themselves or who cannot accept the reality that they might communicate to their politicians and further to this, the North American politician since 1920 seems to have abandoned real leadership and appears to be the same kind of sex operation put in place in most native reserves to achieve the absence of leadership when the question is quietly human value and dignity at either the equivalent of $40000.00 USD across the North American continent as UBI or possibly any amount above $35,000.00 as UBI is an actuarial variable to satisfy human need. We see where the money comes from for UBI. The other solution is the trillions of extra dollars earned in electricity as automation increases as electricity is usually partially owned and maintained by the state. But, the American sits and watches in the majority as the genetically disabled halfling human being that he is as engineered for slave labor in the majority as he enjoys his association to Europe via Mcdonalds and the occasional steak with bacon wrapped around it or maybe some quiche. His American issue is the resentment of another kind of human being who would prefer an automatic watch to the more wasteful battery operated watch. He calls him elitist. The issue is that this American is really a late arrival not only to global modernity but to American puritanism which is something they also resent and resented but they did learn how to prepare for a thousand Christmases and are only looking for a reason to vent anger and resentment as this animal in the majority has come to another bump or hitch in the road of the world according to Europe. UBI provides perpetual civilization while the American would rather hedge on desperation and desolation  in denying UBI in his late arrival to and resentment of the whole and entire global culture and civilization that was handed to him at the earliest in the form of a musket or sword in his ass in 1498 or thereabouts. Bang! Cut you in two! This is the opposite of rest and the opposite of rest in this case is mass desperation and struggle that brings violence that a war with any Asian country will not solve as if you did not see and learn on the last equation. You are not really fighting Asia but common sense as if the quiet of a passenger airline with passengers enjoying the safety of person and property at 40000 feet as paid for cannot be enjoyed in the lives of consumers on a daily basis on UBI. This is all civilization promises and the subconscious and psychological desire to revisit this civilization is too late; much too late when you have eaten your pablum and your swanson frozen dinner as prepared in a microwave; not on a wood fire on the side of an Arawak or Miami people beach. 


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