Click here. Read more. Dragon Blade - A Real Hero Scene (10/10) | Movieclips. The powers of troglodyte-ism as covered by the conceit of white that reveals your limitations as late arrivals to modernity but this does not necessarily include the Romans who did not have any concept of White and certainly had a few Black emperors. You act as if Saint Augustine was affirmative action or something. He was, in your language, your nomenclature, a Black Bishop of Hippo

Dragon Blade - A Real Hero Scene (10/10) | Movieclips. The powers of troglodyte-ism as covered by the conceit of white that reveals your limitations as late arrivals to modernity but this does not necessarily include the Romans who did not have any concept of White and certainly had a few Black emperors.  You act as if Saint Augustine was affirmative action or something. He was, in your language, your nomenclature, a Black Bishop of Hippo.  It will take a while to get people who think and behave with  Ewok amazement as troglodytes more so than natives  as late arrivals and who first encountered the musket and ships with sails and violins for the first time in history in 1498 some time to heal over the centrifugal technology of black and white as it only destroys and limits you in the West.  I have never met an African who behaves like any West Indian who would beat his kids to study to be a doctor and then kill them after they can heal a common cold with a drop of tea tree oil in hot water instead of a prescription or maybe rubbing alcohol with sugar.  The simple point is that the cold virus is foreign to the body and is processed by the body as dirt or unclean and needs to be removed with something potent enough to knock it out of the body's blood stream.  Now, how does an Ewok or how do Ewoks respond to a mobile smart  phone while maintaining collective resentment against the culture that provided it to them?  They try to use the phone as an opportunity to challenge the received culture and watch sex on it all day. Then, they decide that they will network to attack people who understand the culture that involves registration or ownership of property or resolving offenses committed against the culture. The hope is that after all of the trained and qualified teachers or legates or legal emissaries are dead, then they will tell the governing culture that they will do whatever they want to do since this is how the governing culture took authority in the West with their use of technology and they will smile in your face all day. Is this Joe Chilton's idea? Joe Chilton became the joker.  But, it seems that too many employees of the state or nation are involved this time but are hoping no one finds out that they are intending to kill an English lawyer with Afroeurasian appearance who established several trademarks.   But, the Afroeurasian architect also established his trademarks and designs in America or did Donald kill him with his Monkey people since he said he had to be the only one with attention who is kind of black or really black or ancestrally black?  Il n'est pas compris!   So, someone will find a Black watch designer for you so you but most importantly, he needs to be put on television before you can accept the notion and take it from the authority, the television, as an order and then you will know it is okay. Now, it does not mean there aren't any Black watch designers in history or rock singers like Chuck Berry or Little Richard or James Brown but you may not know them and soon they will be turned into white caricatures for your miseducation but maybe not since they post date the reality of photographic evidence. Apparently, George Washington and St. Augustine along with Jesus are struggling to rest while you think they had hair like a labrador instead of a poodle with more natural tanning in complexion but we will leave it like that. Now, when it comes to women and families, you may have been telling your birds that you would give it one because you were born in the caves at Maidenstone in the year 1998 and you are now almost 20 years old. Your grandfather was also born in Maidenstone and he talked about giving it one with the birds(the chick or nice bar maid type of girl who is always soo chatty and open feeling) but he will tell you what happened after 10 birds and one became pregnant. He tried to continue sowing his oats and she knocked him in the head to tell him to strop it because she needs a husband. She is not in a cave of a community where everyone will mind each other's children. She was born in the cave also. No; she needs a  husband and help with the children and that is what she wants. But, he went on to be a Opel dealer but noticed people told him he had to fit in and try and take the secretaries out for a lunch and try to give them one so they can have authority. So, he did but his got right cross with him when he did. He said it was just a pint at the races with the staff. The issue is that the secretary could not have children and she was just, more or less, a cave girl for the rest of her life who always struggled with the issue of covenant authority vs. cave authority which is also understood as troglodyte morality vs. Covenant morality.  The cave people are coming out into a world based on covenants, promises and rules and some of them are based on innate expectations when family and children is involved. The cave has its own rules of community for various reasons. The cave is not subdivided and people survived in them with their unique God given gifting to know when the water is coming.    The issue is that women are sometimes asked to join what is really a troglodyte overlay or in road into our usual quiet expectations of family and covenant and it is usually excused as social laddering or corporate laddering such that if the eggless woman or  fertile man asks while visiting from the office in /Texas, you are to oblige him or her but they may be more troglodyte than the average English man to begin with as generally late arrivals to our Brit Milah fortitude and they seem to have had a reprieve from troglodyteism while farming but it seems to have crawled back a bit while they have left farms and the man, more than the woman in the suburb seems to be fidgeting for something to do with his genetic desires to work, do something, maybe American beauty. Oh no he didn't! But, the woman knows what she will do if he does American beauty!  This argument or tension  between troglodyte morality and Covenant morality is being played out in the media all day long. But, men follow their women although they seem to be trying to engineer socially as many open feeling bar maid and Barberella types of females as much as possible who will just say yes in a pub or restaurant if you have your bluetooth on your phone and you feel like the $400.00 of immediate disposable cash  or the readies  her grandma says you should feel like before she goes to the address you suggest.  But, the truth is that she does not really want a Cosmopolitan life style. She wants to find a way to forgive her grandfather or her uncle as it may be   who may have adulterated her expectations of the family in her generation and maybe also her mother's generation and she would prefer the Vanity Fair with the ring advertisements and honey moon vacation packages instead of the Cosmopolitan that seems to feed into the generational anger that is excused as cultural but if she buys the cosmopolitan, then  Granddad and the Uncle are exonerated since only the guilty with guily intentions going forward would buy a magazine with a deliberate editorial like that when you could shop for lipstick if nothing else in any magazine and you do not really need a magazine to teach you to honor your father and grandfather in your head only while you try to take all the authority that you can in the family with false accusations. But, if you are starting to understand what this is in the magazine then read Proverbs 24 and 31 and then read Proverbs 2,5,6,7,9,11 and 15. 
The issue is that when you watch Young and the Restless or Bold and the Beautiful you could maybe just choose the faithful and committed truth on the other side of all the adultery that you are watching.  It should feel natural and should feel safe although it may not feel like the sports car but maybe the limousine or the SUV and then the sports car. Good! So, do not use your smart phone to watch the naked reiteration of the absence of covenants in the copulation; that is the adultery since all of life around is based on covenants or promises and you certainly enjoyed them such that you went to school for  15 years for free and many promises were kept such that no one just took you out of s school and cut your head off and sent you home in a body bag but you seem to be asking people to do it to your children so that you might respect the principal and his authority while you watch the naked sexo  antithesis of covenant on your phones for too long and you thought the phone company was covering what you do as if being a Samsung owners was a secret sex addict club. It is Samsung; right..and then you get to what you want if you buy one?  Sure. Okay. No.  Nothing is changing in terms of our social expectations once the video on the phone is turned off and the phone itself although you seem to think you have the right to do what ever you want since no one has told you otherwise. Hence, property damage  and other kinds of thefts or murders due to a person's simple and humble creativity  have gone up and the presumption that this will continue unabated is the real issue. You were given a mobile phone that can also take pictures but instead you have worshiped in the guise of  sexual acts as played out on videos on your phone  the antithesis of covenant; the antithesis of promise; the antithesis of constitution; the antithesis of Brit Milah. Now, Rome did not grow so fast because it was in the absence of promise but it grew fast in the fulfillment of promise. It grew fast because of codes and laws that we see in Leviticus for the preparation of food to stave off disease more than ignore the evil antithesis in reality that disease can have on any social grouping; including those who dwell in a cave. Now, enjoy your show. This is Bien Sur Auto Route. We will not argue in the media about the importance and value of a promise any longer or the troglodyte's version of morality vs. the covenant morality. The women have decided.



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