So, you really could not be saying that you don't know how to use a camera or run a website. But, what I have done is offer Auto Show(TM), Butter channnel(TM) and Angel Ronan(TM) as my effort at a reverse affirmative action although there is no affirmative action now and nor did they have any affirmative action where I went to school. No; they don't give people employee of the year awards as a means of affirmative action. Do you think they let Black people graduate with affirmative action because if they do, we would have a lot of people with degrees regardless of complexion who used my essays? But, affirmative action does not affirm cheating and nor does the lee way granted to anyone who can prove with history and diagnosis that they have learning difficulty.

So, you really could not be saying that you don't know how to use a camera or run a website. But, what I have done is offer Auto Show(TM), Butter channnel(TM) and Angel Ronan(TM) as my effort at a reverse affirmative action although there is no affirmative action now and nor did they have any affirmative action where I went to school. No; they don't give people employee of the year awards as a means of affirmative action. Do you think they let Black people graduate with affirmative action because if they do, we would have a lot of people with degrees regardless of complexion who used my essays?  But, affirmative action does not affirm cheating and nor does the lee way granted to anyone who can prove with history and diagnosis that they have learning difficulty. 


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