Your Macrocosmic and Microcosmic experience is indicative of the authorities that be or the symbols of the same as minor or major figures or standard bearers. So, I know who is the real King as far as our history is concerned. It is the people. This is all the Roi or the Reine wanted you to see so if there is too much starving among you, then change the program and mutually give yourselves through your government ( go for re mend) which is really a co -op the monies yearly that each citizen requires. But who can stand any symbol, Black, white, rainbow or plaid that stands for illiteracy, authority and maleficence?    How much Nutmeg can...hold on for a brief minute...won't be a moment ma'am.

Your Macrocosmic and Microcosmic experience is indicative of the authorities that be or the symbols of the same as minor or major figures or standard bearers. So, I know who is the real King as far as our history is concerned. It is the people. This is all the Roi or the Reine wanted you to see so if there is too much starving among you, then change the program and mutually give yourselves through your government ( go for re mend) which is really a co -op the monies yearly that each citizen requires. But who can stand any symbol, Black, white, rainbow or plaid that stands for illiteracy, authority and maleficence?    How much Nutmeg can...hold on for a brief minute...won't be a moment ma'am.


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