There was a Louis the 1st,2nd, 3rd, and 4th, and 5th right through to Louis the 16th and then they decided to go to Saudi Arabia maybe and leave the world dangling on an edge until the English and Cristobal would decide that we need to treat others as we wish to be treated since the French were also victims under the Romans and there is no point doing unto others as people may have done unto you if it was evil in the doing. So, the issue is a Versailles pottie water used by many female indentured servants to see if they were with child and some would shout hallelujah if the pottie water from under the King's bed would lead to their pregnancy. But, the mixture may have produced a man or woman who is sometimes unwilling to learn anything to be of any good use to their father; the prodigal son or their mother who was the woman at the well in John 4. The point is that if you are just going to breathe and say you will be the only one or that you will be instead of learning enough to say 'I am an architect' or 'I am a paramedic' then what can anyone say except that your presumption and imposition of your will (is it the will to power?) is quite useful and then you put it all in a book about your haller or hollering about how you are everybody's son or daughter and that everybody is guilty for their time at Saugeen Laurier Hall or at frosh week at Duke and you are so good looking that I have to just give you all that I have while the best answer is that 20 or 30 angry children who never phone shall all get 1/30 of the spoon collection since you will all be and there will never be anyone working with me who needs to the only one since if you have not noticed Absalom is dead; Booyah from downtown......Gol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, the father or fuhrer you need is really Santa Claus. An Iranian or any other child of Noah would leave a semi-tropical part of the world abandoned only to spend time near reindeers, snow and pine trees simply because he is told the image of the Fuhrer or Santa Claus does not wear a Turban but he must have on the First Christmas since the three wise men or at least one of them had a turban on and he wore red also with white trimming ; innit?

There was a Louis the 1st,2nd, 3rd, and 4th, and 5th right through to Louis the 16th and then they decided to go to Saudi Arabia maybe and leave the world dangling on an edge until the English and Cristobal would decide that we need to treat others as we wish to be treated since the French were also victims under the Romans and there is no point doing unto others as people may have done unto you if it was evil in the doing. So, the issue is a Versailles   pottie water used by many female indentured servants to see if they were with child and some would shout hallelujah if the pottie water from under the King's bed would lead to their pregnancy.  But, the mixture may have produced a man or woman who is sometimes unwilling to learn anything to be of any good use to their father; the prodigal son or their mother who was the woman at the well in John 4. The point is that if you are just going to breathe and say you will be the only one or that you will be instead of learning  enough to say 'I am an architect' or 'I am a paramedic' then what can anyone say except that your presumption and imposition of your will (is it the will to power?) is quite useful and then you put it all in a book about your haller or hollering  about how you are everybody's son or daughter and that everybody is guilty for their time at Saugeen Laurier Hall  or at frosh week at Duke and you are so good looking that I have to just give you all that I have while the best answer is that 20 or 30 angry children who never phone shall all get 1/30 of the spoon collection since you will all be and there will never be anyone working with me who needs to the only one since if you have not noticed Absalom is dead; Booyah from downtown......Gol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     Now, the father or fuhrer you need is really Santa Claus.  An Iranian or any other child of Noah would leave  a semi-tropical part of the world abandoned only to spend time near reindeers, snow and pine trees simply because he is told the image of the Fuhrer or Santa Claus does not wear a Turban but he must have on the First Christmas since the three wise men or at least one of them had a turban on and he wore red also with white trimming ; innit?


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