
Showing posts from April, 2018

Seth Supports Michelle Wolf's White House Correspondents' Dinner Stand-Up

Shopping Malls Struggling To Survive As Online Retail Sales Surge | NBC ...

Making of Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport Vitesse “La Finale”

Mercedes-Benz World Star Trailer 2019

Ms. Wolf gave you all a red card for accepting the vehement Potus and Trump bashing as her monologue is really an efficient summary of Tapper, Baldwin and the many others who have shown a Hyena's animalian obsession with insulting the man and the Office; most importantly the office and without any evidence. They lambaste  this sacred office above and beyond what is, in fact, news and this generational, Fruit Loop motif to get anything you want contrary to law, tradition and the Pillars of our institutions  is the footing of American socio-economic devaluation.   A Glass is teetering on the edge of a table and you cry and panic while another graduating class in Delaware or Pennsylvania has offered their gonads or to live until 40 only to enjoy a little bit of what society has offered on the Price Is Right; come on down! and Trini vs. Caricom and America is now over. Now, if Trump racialised social policy like medicaid or US Government hiring policy or refused to implement basic income for vets, high school graduates, university graduates or maybe black people except for Haitians, then you have the seed of national  division in the highest office in the land while he pays lip service to unity and the rumor is that he put an option on the stock  market that there would not be national basic income for every citizen and stood to gain $ 4.6 trillion dollars except he added that the Chicago Economist who favors basic income as policy would be dead by...but he did not say the actual date so the option failed while if he really did love Toyota who realised the game is market share and is producing vehicles accordingly with mass market capacity and projections, then  he would have put in the basic income and would have bet accordingly to benefit Toyota in fostering the market that needs to be fostered with basic income in an automated economy. It is not an option. It is a requisite as national basic income for every citizen  is the one deal you must make with Mas automation. But, the non racialised products and economy is in a stale mate as race minded people seem to fear too many Cheddar men Will come. But, with basic income the current population would opt to leave but also support the economy at home but you won't see them too often. While you continue to bring more immigrants anyway. 

Bien Sur Auto Route Television(TM) Warren Augustine Lyon. If you would like to advertise on Bien Sur Auto Route Television(TM), please email your request to The agreement is as follows: For $1500.00 your ad will be available globally on every smart phone, tablet or television screen for one day. Pay by Paypal or Moneygram. Contact us today!

Humans Need Not Apply

Automated Economy Explained: Mechanics of a Basic Income


Mean Tweets – Oscars Edition

Brian Regan - I Walked On The Moon (Widescreen)

Don't Ever Take Sides Against the Family - The Godfather (7/9) Movie CLI...

Mass of 28th April 2018

Jewish Dr. Dauermann found Jesus to be the door to real Jewish life!

2018 Chalk Porsche 911 Turbo S 580 hp @ Porsche West Broward

Tom Fitton speaks out about recovered Clinton emails

As you believed it, so shall it be! The Empire Strikes Back (1980) - Ending Scene Good!!

Basic Income: 1st timothy 2:4. 1 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved (he desires all to be saved and that none should perish) and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, 6 who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time.

Everything I Own 2017 (40L Bag) 11 kg


Never Check a Bag Again - Packing Tips for 11 Days of International Trav...

Basic Income ++++++++++++ ... ‎2 Peter 3:9 KJV: But He bears patiently with you, His desire being that no one should perish but that all should come to repentance. World English Bible The Lord is ... "Say to them, 'As I live!' declares the Lord GOD, 'Itake no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn back, turn back from ...

The problem is that American Capitalism focussed on efficiency with production and this led to automation to feed a mass market but after automation, they struggled. They struggled to compute human value in capitalism AS THE Market. Employment falls with automation. The grocery store cashier who was happy as a cashier for 40 or more years is now facing automation and unemployment yet she will probably get a job in a Hotel with her face to face customer experience or maybe a job as a school assistant three days on and three days off. Either way, her and the train driver and the warehouse worker who faced automation will get some basic income to feed the market. The corporate tax that is a contribution to the basic income is rolled into the loans the corporation is paying back to the government as the government provided loans and helped them finance the cost of robotic automation. Markets contract; they shrink as there are fewer people with cash on hand. You could massage the situation with the immigrants and the monies you have always been willing to give to them and you would bring trillions of people and give them money maybe while you deny your own in the fuelling the market. You noticed the Armenian wears your shoes just like the pilgrim but at the moment of calculating human value, the refugee was given money and used to bolster economic markets along with Latin Americans, Ukranians, Russians and West indians but in the end, soap is soap and toilet paper is paper. The point is that American capitalism was right about choice, the ramen menu, but fails on American or Amerindian human valuation. This is wear French Capitalism and the more Stoic old Russian Capitalism(formerly known as Communism) succeed and succeeded with respecting human life as the market in the function of consuming the finished product; as there can only be national capitalist systems in a Capitalist world economy. The French and the Russians put in Basic income at the beginning of the industrial age. The French promoted choice in products. The Russians had less market diversification but both systems respected the need to create a market with basic income and value the human for the consumption of finished products. The Americans have been wondering how they can value themselves as their own value is a matter of chance while they value the foreigner; celebrating them until they are signatories to any kind of Amerieducation!

This is Germany

Time Team Special 10 (2002) - Londinium, The Edge of Empire (London)


Rudyfied: A Colorful Porsche Collector


TUMI The Art Of Packing- For Men

Turbo Vette, built GT-R, TT Lambo - 3,700HP STREET RACE!

2400HP Twin Turbo Corvette at TX2K15 Tearing up the Streets!

SEIKO – Top 8 new models from Baselworld 2018

SEIKO – Top 8 new models from Baselworld 2018

Herod had his usefulness but he is not the real issue. He does not understand the purpose of Leviticus and nor will he and sometimes he and his viral, gremlin, dysfunctional ways will be allowed to operate until the road is built, the churches are complete and the territory to be occupied reaches the cultural saturation but also the submission in understanding as to committing with confirmation such that there is no separation with the purpose being the commitment to family, community, life and civilization. Here, civilization is the complexion free purpose of Leviticus while Jeroboam/Herod will add white to this when fashion convenience changes. He is an adoption to and foreigner to the truth; born in Brittannia and the dna of a dead Pict leader. His dna must say, " am I not supposed to be dead; am I not also barren...a sex operation but my dna will survive me, they will have children, they will seek and take authority and hold it and wield it above any logic answer or result or requisite process until identified?" ..and his desolate ministry over Israel first and eventually in striking back at the empire of Rome is evident since....this is where Rome created a sickle for occupation but what if it and the 'work' became its own outfit, asking Rome itself if it understood Leviticus after doubling every living Senator who could answer the purpose of the unwritten American constitution in a habitual Herodian occupation when they told the Romans to use mice brains for tooth paste and then the average Roman became a diseased sewer rat; not the dignified child of the emperor? The family, community, life and civilization is the desire of Rome. They see no wrong in this man called Jesus and nor did Herod who passed him to Pilate but the people were already divided and had to be foreigners; a 'work 'dna that was not emotionally or truly culturally indigenous since the woman at the well seems to have had more general understanding than Niccodemus and why was she not stoned except but for the same mercy covering Niccodemus and every Israeli who lived in a Jerusalem with Egyptian temples set up by Jeroboam with temple prostitutes. Everybody was under a red card and possibly being robbed of their Jedi gifts in the process if they tolerated Jeroboam's compromise on their television screens, their mobile phones or in not crossing the road when they see they are about to walk in passed a strip bar. But, if you are with your girlfriend maybe she will think you are weird if you cross the road every time you walk passed and then maybe she will think you go in and then maybe she will too in her fear of rejection since she reads Cosmopolitan and her esteem is shredded with every issue she reads and then becomes a marketers dream for every bust cream and youth cream on the market; cracked up though ; innit? The magazine is a divorce coach as to how to get one. Herod was designed to seek authority and demand it from subjects but systemic purpose in comprehending the authority is his shortfall. Again, the systemic purpose of the authority from whom he sought or seeks approval is family, community and civilization. But, Herod seeks position for himself; not for community and all the energy goes right down the drain in desolation if he is not directed, guided and led while honoured if he is, by chance, put in or has assumed position. Otherwise, he is Shiva, the God of death and a living World War or two if he is not put down to sign the mission for balance and human life and civilization. He may love Star Wars while failing to see that what he enjoys is a vision of the future with human co existing with the toys and machines; the efficient, well designed robotic creations that assist and help our simple purpose of civilization. Start is not about the extermination of human life but its certain, technologically aided and purposeful continuation with clean oceans, a three times more wealthy Exxon Mobil with hydrogen fuel or an ethanol made from fast food garbage and less destruction in the resentment of a Roman or Egyptian or his children who had swords, buildings and bridges in their self esteem and their conscience when they ran into their Genesis 9:11 relatives in the years after 1492 in the Western Hemisphere. Let us just say the year was 1500. Good!

BBC Documentary Sellafield's Nuclear Safety Failings BBC Documentary 2016

Air Quality Warning for NE Europe - Contamination from Sellafield Nuclea...


BRAZIL Trip Adventures & Drone - Fortaleza, Sao Paulo & Rio

The Bill Cosby Show s1 e18

Paving the Way

China Speaks About President Donald Trump, South China Sea, Trade (Full ...

2019 Kia K900 - INTERIOR

2019 Kia K900 - INTERIOR

Not the nine O'Clock news episode 1981 uncut

IKEA Concept Kitchen 2025 Donald and our Basic income future! IT is just that Exomobilefuelibean may have been a safe place for Arawakibeans as a nation within the larger America as to also hold America ransom as a kind of fuel union or trade union or co op of sorts but they cannot vent their anger on Asia when they feel lousy while demonstrating their authority and control over America in their lack of compassion and understanding of their real triumph which is the distribution network; not the dirty and tremendously expensive fuel over which they do not have an entire monopoly any longer but importantly, they could save trillions in taking a monopoly so to speak over the new hydrogen and the propane that they already sell in the trillions of dollars more here!

IKEA - Hooray! To the Wonderful Everyday - TV Advert 60” #WonderfulEveryday

China Expandable container house ---10 minutes one house!

China Expandable container house ---10 minutes one house!



Lord Kelvin was a genius but if you do not know the purpose of the Pyramids, then you will take the technology, curse God and declare your lack of need of the One God after you see the 2020 Audi E Tron and then blow up the world...again!!!!

British Airways: Fuelled by Love

IKEA - Let's Relax

IKEA Make Room for Life 2018

Meet Ethan Allen designer Gabriella and her client Renee

There was a Louis the 1st,2nd, 3rd, and 4th, and 5th right through to Louis the 16th and then they decided to go to Saudi Arabia maybe and leave the world dangling on an edge until the English and Cristobal would decide that we need to treat others as we wish to be treated since the French were also victims under the Romans and there is no point doing unto others as people may have done unto you if it was evil in the doing. So, the issue is a Versailles pottie water used by many female indentured servants to see if they were with child and some would shout hallelujah if the pottie water from under the King's bed would lead to their pregnancy. But, the mixture may have produced a man or woman who is sometimes unwilling to learn anything to be of any good use to their father; the prodigal son or their mother who was the woman at the well in John 4. The point is that if you are just going to breathe and say you will be the only one or that you will be instead of learning enough to say 'I am an architect' or 'I am a paramedic' then what can anyone say except that your presumption and imposition of your will (is it the will to power?) is quite useful and then you put it all in a book about your haller or hollering about how you are everybody's son or daughter and that everybody is guilty for their time at Saugeen Laurier Hall or at frosh week at Duke and you are so good looking that I have to just give you all that I have while the best answer is that 20 or 30 angry children who never phone shall all get 1/30 of the spoon collection since you will all be and there will never be anyone working with me who needs to the only one since if you have not noticed Absalom is dead; Booyah from downtown......Gol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, the father or fuhrer you need is really Santa Claus. An Iranian or any other child of Noah would leave a semi-tropical part of the world abandoned only to spend time near reindeers, snow and pine trees simply because he is told the image of the Fuhrer or Santa Claus does not wear a Turban but he must have on the First Christmas since the three wise men or at least one of them had a turban on and he wore red also with white trimming ; innit?

Every Detail Matters in the Art of Making Home | Ethan Allen

5 Reasons You Should Buy a Used Audi

Inside Adam Savage's Cave: Awesome Robot Spider!

Blue Man Group: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

Did you know the average tv in America sells at an 'off the truck' sale or at a refurbished going out of business sale?

Angel Ronan(TM) is on sale for a limited time only today for literally $1.00. That is right: $1.00. if you call today at 1-914-539-7655 and leave a message, the trademark will be signed over to you along with the company. You have to sign the contract and also pay the price of $1.00.

Bible stories for kids - Feeding 5000 ( Jesus Cartoon Animation in Engli...

Southwest Flight Makes Emergency Landing After Catastrophic Engine Failu...

Download and Print at your risk while this poster was found on the internet and I did buy such a poster once at a market sale for $10.00 and still have it while my beige natives translated my emotions after buying this poster into a vibration or association that meant beige father to them but I suppose I am Brown enough with Afrique hair to be an Egyptian certainly; innit?

What is Basic Income and why do we need it

Go Behind The Scenes As Obamas Move Out Of White House And Trumps Move I...

Bakery Automation systems from Weldon Solutions

Monkey Island Hotel, Bray, Berkshire, England

Monkey Island

Monkey Island Hotel Breakfast Room views of the Thames

66122 & 59204 with the Thames Trumper, at Trumper's Field. 27/1/2018.

The issue is a Black White bond in a dependency in a dance to the self extermination in a dying need for identity yet beige and brown are more helpful, purposeful ubiquitous concepts for Descriptive purposes in saving the mocking bird from his mockery in the absence of decisiveness to fully absorb a strong umbrella culture that provides self esteem in trois ou cinq ou sept verre de pepsi since without any education, you are just monkey see monkey do as media addicts, hoping to emulate the most assertive male or female figures you see and really this is what you may see in your House of Representatives and the Congress with individuals who are in office but under prepared to speak and say what they were required to have calculated as far as 2 for 1 in France is better than 1 for $1.00 or human life in France without formal education or just high school at $80,000.00 euros per year for basic income in an automated economy is better than self hatred for the majority of citizens enduring life in the North America at zero basic income but you could have authority to take your risk at the bank window with some sympathy for what is not being done by your wiser elected and capable while Heat (1995) is not economic policy ; a definitive sense of identity where the more definitiveness of any culture adopted or that is ubiquitous in the more central aspects of your life fills the vacuum but your raggedy vacuous culture will still fall apart along with your country if you dont respect the simplest animalian cultural equation of family. All animals do it but a cat or dog in a city has been dissociated from its nature and could live with anyone who would feed it but above the tree line with few people, it chooses survival which may mean a family of wolves but family. The issue is the need that white has for black but with black beneath it; not African,Jewish,Egyptian, and equal or above it. Next, the diffidence to know anything other than hunt and gather or hunt, blockade, ransom and pirate which says your white culture determining its right to piracy in the determined self induced under education which becomes a determined independence but which is really a dependency on other producing and formative cultures in terms of technology in relation to the world's receiving, less technologically advanced late arrival cultures who do not see law as technology while they worship the microwave and school attendance went down in much of the West Indies once the microwave became available the murder of formally educated people went up in the region and these facts do not deny your manual dexterity but it does demonstrate a consistent presumption to just take what you want or need when you cannot understand how to do it on your own(like buy a house) and you seem to want to kill a black; I mean a brown guy who cannot understand how the train driver patted him on the head when he was taking the bus or train to school but who seems shocked to see the same kid four months after graduation day in a Mcdonald's manager's uniform where the White or Black train driver manager's eyes say 'who do you think you will be?' and the Brown guy says '...You told me I would be dead if I did not show my humility so how is he not every under-educated train (under educated as a matter of personal choice) driver's son so now all Afro hair people now call themselves Samoan Amerindian or African or African Amerindian since every one in the Eastern hemisphere pitys the fool; the fool that is the Western hemisphere. Either way, basic income was economically mandatory as of 1936 and FDR is our socio-economic hero as he saw the economic proofs that we must now hold to be self-evident as he implemented the policy but he was put into a war contrary to his intentions for an independent and thriving America although isolated from the jealousy and rape of the Herodians who brought their Masters and Johnson with Playboy shortly after raping America's self sufficiency that was evident before the war and continually thereafter with a leadership hired in its insufficiency to solve the equations while they have the FDR blue print so who is the fool; the fool or the fool who follows it? It seems this need you have for black with your white in a world where you used to say Yes Massah or ' Yes Sah' as much as a Brown dude is quite evident but where sometimes the people sitting with the 'Sah' as a friend or as the 'Sah' where just as brown as some of the brown people saying 'sah' with you. Let me get my Renault Megane. I'll be right back. Now, de point is what are you askin? What are you aftah since I can't...I just can't undastand how you don't undastand automation and human value? The human being is the market. They are not threatening YOU if they eat. You will see that you asked Asians to buy Marks and Spencer good at twice the value while I would buy it in Vermont or Saskainnesota. But, you would rather believe every Asian is working full time when every Asian has at least some basic income like every European EU citizen and this is what I would say is a good idea since the Irish parliament has devolved and has taken humane course with basic income. The Scottish parliament has done the same with basic income. The Welsh may be willing to stay with you, the fishing boat captain from the Bahamas or Jamaica who resents his son knowing how to calculate all the information necessary at a traffic light accident during grade 10 physics class but study the world in negative causality before you put in a test toward positive causality while I buy a lot of Meji chocolate and Hi Chew candies in Saskatoba until you and the few undignified pirate commonwealth territories are all Asian in your diffidence against logic but then why not give yourself what you want; a principality like Monaco right in the centre of South Anglo at Winse-dsor or Buckstop or maybe on sabbatical in Reims since you are really a French Real Family but not a pirate Jamaica family and you can stay in Londres as often as you want or at Winse-dsor for as long as you want since you and I love Anglo culture and Ambrosia's custard and you and I think every Euro Anglo or Southern Western Hemispheric Anglo in any commonwealth country is worth $70,000 usd Equivalent in basic income per year as we move around and work in the various commonwealth countries to honor and celebrate our Royal family or Real familia ? Let the English people around you come to visit Green Park and will stand at the gates of the Palace designated for Sharon Gorgeton. The Japanese will also come as tourists with their hegemony in their human self love at $70,000.000 usd equivalent in basic income and see the processions of horses and swords and the English will throw more flowers purchased with their....I am not sure it seems but maybe it is the 5000 pounds family money per year. I will come! You are the....'do unto others as they would do unto you' family and we will buy more Mini Coopers and more Tunnock's Candies. But, if you want to join peace then you could take the sacrament that has the peace you are looking for, the update and the enhancement. You have to drink tea to fuel it and the chip you are looking for is in a Ritz Cracker, the chips a hoy or maybe that small frozen mackerel. It feels like a small rice grain but you will not choke on a bone. Don't run too fast now at track practice. Boil it and then eat it with mustard or pasta sauce. Do not gut the fish. So Dillinger would tell you to call your governor and tell him to use his executive powers to put in basic income at the state level for at least $40,000.00 per month basic income while the President can use his executive powers to put in another $40,000.00. Basic income is like a pool; a necessary lottery ticket where your return on many sales tax contributions across the average shopping day amongst the living activities of every human, every human family and every business entity; large or small is averaged out to ensure there is an average and sufficient amount of monies in every individual's hands to ensure a sufficient and average amount of consumption to ensure your economy expands and does not contract as with contraction, the buildings become empty, the neighborhoods become empty and the towns die. The governor in his day in Minnesota turned out to be his cousin. About feeling like a King which is what you want whether or not every body was white as you say you would still want to feel it that is really your pirate dna asking for expression, you could pick acorns which is not really illegal now but it will be made illegal since you say you just really want to feel above the law. The issue is that in the love of America or Latin America as all human life matters and maybe to content those sick in Black and White but to benefit the one nation under God as we have all been victims, it seems the Brown people would content our national peace as ministers and servants of Shem and Japheth at 10 % less than the average citizen's basic income since for the love of God, it is not a sin to save a donkey or a nation that fell into the pit of black and white on the Sabbath but we do not want people who are Brown to have too much honor or authority in that they are willing to lay down 10% of their life but...we don't know what you are asking Doomo: doomo arigato gozaimasu.

One Killed After Southwest Jet Engine Exploded In Flight | NBC Nightly News

BMW 7 Series (2018) Automated Parking

President Trump has a 1:1 bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of J...

How is anyone planning a human settlement on Mars before there is any long term human research settlement on the moon? Go to the moon first and see what you learn with a long term international, cooperative research mission. I buy it...!

Your Macrocosmic and Microcosmic experience is indicative of the authorities that be or the symbols of the same as minor or major figures or standard bearers. So, I know who is the real King as far as our history is concerned. It is the people. This is all the Roi or the Reine wanted you to see so if there is too much starving among you, then change the program and mutually give yourselves through your government ( go for re mend) which is really a co -op the monies yearly that each citizen requires. But who can stand any symbol, Black, white, rainbow or plaid that stands for illiteracy, authority and maleficence?    How much Nutmeg can...hold on for a brief minute...won't be a moment ma'am.

There is no weightlessness in space. You are really falling. You are really falling back to earth There is gravity on the moon but not as much as on earth. There is, therefore, gravity in a space ship.

The Matrix Battery. The battery is really money in your hand to feed the machine's purposefulness as the machine feeds you. The money is the connecting wires; the tubes that connect us purposefully.

A day in the alps with an early 1965 Porsche 911

Creating a symphony with 7 generations of Porsche 911

Porsche Tour of the Dolomite Alps

Third Sunday of Easter - Mass, 15th April 2018

Pope Francis' strongest statements on hell and the devil

The Sunday Mass - 3rd Sunday of Easter - April 15, 2018

This is why you respect education. You cannot rebuild the washing machine on your own and you have chosen not to live without it. Maybe a brown guy with an afro or beige guy with an afro or a beige guy with gazelle type hair decided to reduce his burden with mechanized clothes washing and then fired all of the washers but then his clothing sales plummeted and he could not figure it out so built a bunker and decided to live under ground until he could figure it out and when he did, it was too late for him and his town that was gassed so he moved west but never told anyone his sin but hoped to see that everyone would suffer like he did with the same selfishness and in the end, he wants the book, He needs that book because he grew up with it; the bible but why does he want it as it is about technology, community and civilization and he has no heart for civilization or else he would have seen the answer when his incremental ingenuity eats away at markets since it eats away at human labor over and over again such that he would have to decide to create markets with incremental basic income to ensure his ingenuity would meet sufficient consumption and the towns would grow; not die? Now, who is saying kill North American graduates and then bring more foreigners?

Why the rise of the robots won’t mean the end of work

As Bush went to jail for war crimes in 2002 for pre -emptive strikes, Donald is also going before the International Criminal Courts for the same offense committed today.    JFK had his conviction, along with member's of his administration, entered in the year 1992.  

2018 Mazda CX-9 Test Drive – Does The Three-Row Crossover Segment Need A...

2018 Mazda CX-9 Test Drive – Does The Three-Row Crossover Segment Need A...

2018 Mazda CX-9 Test Drive – Does The Three-Row Crossover Segment Need A...

2018 Mazda CX-9 Test Drive – Does The Three-Row Crossover Segment Need A...

2019 Lincoln Nautilus: First Look

Lincoln MKC 2019 | First Look | With Steve Hammes

Best Fight Scenes: Hiroyuki Sanada

2019 Lincoln MKC Interior Exterior and Presentation

The Last Samurai - kendo training

What is Basic Income and why do we need it

Last Samurai-Self Discipline

Kill Bill: Vol. 2 | 'Pai Mei' (HD) - A Tarantino Film Starring Uma Thurm...


Sword-fighting scenes from Samurai X(Rurouni Kenshin movies)

卧虎藏龙 Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon [BEST Fight Scene]

James Bond vs Gustav Graves | Die Another Day | James Bond 007 (Pierce B...

Spectre - Seducing Lucia Scene (3/10) | Movieclips

Holst-Planets Suite-Venus-Proms 2009

Eastenders||Phil and Dawn scenes(affair storyline)//3rd August 2009(part 2)

Eastenders||Phil and Dawn scenes(affair storyline)//3rd August 2009(part 2)

Eastenders||Louise scenes/Louise and Hunter sleep together//6th April 2018

Harry and Paul S1 E1

Harry and Paul S1 E1

Curry amp; Chips - British comedy 1969 2 Curry and Chips

Curry amp; Chips - British comedy 1969 2 Curry and Chips


30 Rooms Makeover Ep 5: Omar and Shaza

جوله في ايكيا | Ikea Tour

THE 15:17 TO PARIS - Official Trailer [HD]

Casino Royale - I'm the money

Last poker hand in Casino Royale (2006)

Tracking 007 - Casino Royale (2006) | James Bond 007 (Daniel Craig)

Toyota will make more money when North America has basic income provided to every citizen, registered Native and permanent resident as actually provided to every citizen as enumerated as per national social insurance card, registered Native person and permanent resident as per the same id and this will certainly include all of the High School graduates and University graduates since their education has nothing to do with them buying a washing machine totally brand new whatever it is you do without education but with the family authority and several College applications but you never show up for the interviews in the US. The issue is under consumption with maximum mechanized productive capacity. The issue is the lack of basic income to satisfy production output to bring about sufficient sales and APPROPRIATE STABLE POPULATION IN occupation OF THE LANDS AND REGIONS FOR SAFE BUOYANT COMMERCIALISM INSTEAD OF COMMERCIAL DESERTIFICATION. The issue is to bet on growth with basic income since you already arranged for the consumption and the production instead of betting on a war or on the last day of America as a nation or culture being tomorrow. No. You want an America to compact and consume your productive Asian output for your many more and bigger profits. America is the production compactor. consumption compactor, trash compactor; the world's largest consumer of Ramen very soon maybe. Say yes to booya from downtown. You make da money man with so many more good and vely good fortune cookie orders for da restaurant! Sze Sze! You bet on the negative in 2001 as to airline stocks going down and the economy going down and see what it did. Your children are dead! See Casino Royale(2006). Also bet on the evident record breaking Ford sales, food and alcohol sales and Life magazine subscriptions and food sales. Life is tenacious. The death star was destroyed twice. Those who side with the mindlessness of the empire and punch people as public employees...the bus driver or peace officer before they go to Catholic church fail to see the empire is all around them like the force; innit? The Courtiers of Europe in all the Royal Houses were infiltrated by the Herodians who had also infiltrated Constantine's Rome since they do not believe anything could be so quiet. They want a debate...why should do unto others as we want them to do unto us...who is God? What is truth? The mystery of our faith becomes the involvement and coin not for worship but for association and then they were mostly kicked out of Europe and sent to the new world, bred a rat virus human orphan army and sent the orphans back to Europe by 1910. They reak havoc in your institutions and turn them into corrupt bastions and hollow shells of social and also economic deprivation and corrupt pools of mockery as to order, law and peace.

2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser 4X4|Walk Around Video|In Depth Review

2012 Toyota FJ Cruiser

2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser Review - Kelley Blue Book

The NEW 2014 Toyota Fj Cruiser ~ A Legacy of Performance

2018 Ford Bronco DIESEL Power

2019 Kia Sorento Review - First Drive in 4K

2019 Kia K9 - INTERIOR

Audi 100 C1 // MTS-Technik // Conek Foto. Really a Lada.

Audi Love, Vol 11: Ken Stevens' 1972 100LS..really a Lada.

1972 BMW 2002 tii (Review) | Watch full HD 1080p. Really a Lada.

40 éves a LADA 2103 - 40th Anniversary of Lada 2103 (English subtitles)

all-new Toyota Corolla hatch REVIEW 2019 Toyota Auris - NYIAS 2018 - Aut...

Donald put in the Basic income in 2018 and we cheer for him...yaaaaaaah!

Robots weld Accords at Honda plant: The Factory Robots Building The Toyota Camry . But without consumption, you will get the desert of the real. Without basic income, you will not have enough consumption and you will witness first a depopulation of the locals and then a foreign occupation in your government's desperation and then they will say that half the population will be foreign or immigrant by 2020 simply because they will not put the basic income in as they rely on , to fill the gap in the economy, populations from other economies that have basic income.

Maserati GranCabrio crusing in Passo Stelvio

Stelvio – Porsche Drive Pass Portrait

Catholic TV Mass Online April 8, 2018: Second Sunday of Easter

The Last Jedi Cast Touches Bearded Dragons & Other Weird Stuff | Fear Bo...

The all new 2018 Volkswagen Atlas “Luv Bug” Commercial 60 seconds

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Ton ecouter et regarder le media avec ton mal a le tete. Parce ce que de il, ton n'est compris le societe' ou le economie ou le politique. Il est Tres mal pour le monde. It seems that what you are doing before you just finish the economic equation on your own or just put in the basic income variable when told is asking someone to respect your boundaries, your grown up status as an officially independent people and to respect the fact that you have a question and you want him to take you through it step by step but there are many North Americans who have no question about the basic income but you were given the authority and the real truth is that you and your colleagues who were given the authority are really hated by a very significant and much more powerful segment of your population who cannot understand what you resent about a Dutch University teaching about the economics of food on a free university website portal and sometimes Brown people with three degrees including a Masters degree sign up and enjoy the course and you feel like you want to kill someone when you hear the accent of the teacher and while you have a lot of attention, you are economically and technologically dependent now and you might have been dependent on another country for food also if the fracking continued.

Get Happy | Volkswagen Super Bowl 2013 spot

See Angel Ronan(TM) Photo Guide.

See Angel Ronan(TM) Photo Guide.

See Angel Ronan(TM) Photo Guide by Warren Augustine Lyon. This photo was taken by Warren Augustine Lyon. As such, the intellectual property inherent in the photo belongs to him and his foundation for time immemorial. Give him a call nuh? Chill Winston!

Angel Ronan Consulting! See also Angel Ronan, Greenfield Urban Law Firm; a separate entity.

2018 Jeep Wrangler JL Sahara Interior Reviewed - In Depth Look At The JL...

The New 2018 Jeep Wrangler: Back to Nature but Fully Connected.

Jeep Sandstorm concept | 2018 Easter Jeep Safari

Jeep Chief Concept: Surfing Moab in Style

2018 Moab Easter Jeep Safari Concepts - First Look

2018 Moab Easter Jeep Safari Concepts - First Look

England is great but as a people they were not limited to any particular complexion color but it would seem the dna was as synonymous with the movements of Rome throughout Europe, the Middle East and Africa. England is a great recipient and progenitor of Roman culture as well as a participant and contributor but not a leader in civilization. However, in its greatness, they fended off every Spanish ship in the Caribbean and took Jamaica while totally surrounded like a Bruce Lee in its naval cunning and then also took over all of North America and decided that in its greatness, it would motivate itself to even greater heights by, first, giving its people around the globe a lesson about basic income, culture and family by letting the Chinese occupy old great neighborhoods with High School names like George Washington High and also Lord Nelson or Winston Churchill High School. Then, they would choose to propagate their culture again by giving the same basic income to their Anglo people and see how they will travel and demonstrate physical, cultural human hegemony in hotels and coffee shops all over the world with great energy and excitement and with Scottish toffee handbags, cool English branded Tvs, mobile phones and watches. But, we thought someone spit in England's drinking water after 2002 and turned England into a Theoden so to speak and then they wrote a tv show called Orphan Black to let someone know what was going on; haywire! But, while the real England is great, it was occupied emotionally as Theoden was occupied and its desire to be aggressive has not waned but the desire to feel aggressive is of no doubt. It is to know how to direct your aggressiveness in a simple economic equation with the usefulness of your energies and talents with basic income as you consolidate your culture at home first before you go out into the world with your Samsung phones and your Sony phones and cameras and your Nikon and your Canon and your Fuji to send your pictures back home to demonstrate how you are a missionary at home first in the shadows you white big boy; the king and queen of the world's imagination on all 3000 tv channels; innit? You are not resisting the annals of human history and Roman history in meditating on your white hegemony or in doubting the existence of a doctoral student at several Scottish universities who are Afrique. Also, you are not resisting the truth of human capability usually until after you leave high school while you slapped with Wallen and Marcus during high school and also compared test results with him. Did Wallen say he thought the teacher may not have added it up but that he would get by? He never did really tell you his results but...he did decide to have choices on graduation day and not to feel limited since he had school friends in another high school or two all over the province and he wanted to honor his parents and their parents and their conversations with him to work hard. The roast beef and the drives to some hockey games or the yearly fair and the cookies and milk were genuine and he did not want to be on the short side of their kindness when he was growing up. As far as I can see it, Anglo culture is not manifested in saying 'not black.' But, it is manifested in taking a train journey to some northern town maybe or in eating a can of Ambrosia's custard. This is because Black or I should say Brown people sailed to the new world from England, Ireland and Scotland as free citizens. Many did. So, let us get on with it.

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Minority Report 2002 - Tom Cruise

Hitler's dead

Hitler's suicide and burial scene (Original)

Hitler Suicide Scene

Experience the Tomb of Christ Like Never Before | National Geographic

A road is like a frequency with or without content. How can it have any content without people? How can you have any people without basic income in the age of automation? People choose what they buy, eat and drive as their personal, emotive self expression. The content of the road that we understand is like a frequency for the delivery of culture and messages is determined much by the choices of the people. Maybe it is Toyota. Maybe it is Chevrolet. Maybe it is both that they will choose as a people with basic income. Without basic income, the road is empty. But, maybe with basic income you have people and you have people, therefore, with various tastes and cultural loyalties so that your road will reflect a balance in tastes and cultural/technological expressions. You will see some Peking Duck or goose that is cooked and then you will also see some Kentucky Fried and some Popeye's; innit?

2019 Volkswagen VW Touareg BEST 2018 SUV ? Range Rover Sport Killer?

Touching BMW Father's Day Spec commercial

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Acalorado debate entre Petro, Duque y De la Calle en Universidad de Col...

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KIA Sorento Attempts Hell's Gate in Moab

KIA Sorento Attempts Hell's Gate in Moab

Who is the monkey except but who starts the wars after hot and cold running water as made available at 40000 feet on an airplane? You are the monkey! Me; I am going to finish a trigonometric equation but in your defense and for all of your sacrifice to be accepted as a citizen or to go up in the story you idolize about America pilgrim and your missing teeth during WW ? and your hydrogen production system attached to the old family oil well and your Shining or membership in the Shriners, you were entitled to an explanation out of respect for your authority instead of you just being told what to do but you were given the blue prints for an airplane and you were told just to run with it and then say you were the first but this deceit made you the most powerful nation on earth like a glass of water about to fall off a table with so much kinetic energy hanging on the thread of truth. Your deceit was an open door for every other culture and school of authority in the world and then you just handed them all the gold in Fort Knox and you are not really sure. So, what is it then that you are really doing?

Bien Sur Auto Route(TM) Television!

The Sunday Mass - The Solemn Mass of Easter - April 1, 2018 1h