So, Cristobal was the first poster boy for authority. He learned how to keep himself youthful but could he have been Louis then both Edward the 7th after the real Edward was killed at 45 years old and then also the masquerading Louis the 15th after the real Louis the 15th was killed at 47 years old since I don't know any genuine French King who would take lessons from Louis the 14th and then teach it backward to the Louis the 16th only to see the end of a French Kingdom. Now, the second poster boy for the authority was Hitler it seems. Now, Louis the 16th was told by the masquerading Louis the 15th who was really the Wolf in Sheep's clothing to follow only the people, killing the French Kingdom softly while the evidence indicates Louis the 15th was taught by the 14th what was essential in state craft as far as following the Un Dieu; follow yourself, follow your many advisers and also hear the people! Cristobal masquerading as Louis the 15th taught Louis the 16th an abbreviated version. He told Louis the 16th to follow the people. He also tried to have a war for the authority be he was pushed back although he did get attention for how good he is or could be as Cristobal in heavy make up and the wig. Hitler did the same as both an unwitting patsy and the illogical incalculable variable. Yes; he was determined and stupid enough. He did just fine to think any Germany had any real Nazi intention. But, Louis the 16th was ham strung with the advice of the masquerader since who would kill his own kingdom with bad advice except but a pretender who wished to see himself as the only which is his habit! Now, Cristobal is really King Saul ONE MORE TIME and his dna was incubated all over the West Indies where he had a strong seat of authority but where he did not enjoy official king status. However, no one doubts he was the de facto authority in the region and who may have decided to take a kingdom or two long enough to ask if anyone was paying attention and he was certainly experienced and well versed in how to lead his DOGS that include the GRendel Troglodyte ship captains; one more time on the high seas. Now, Cristobal attempted to have a war with the assistance of another empire further east; possibly the Austrian-Hungarians to whom he may have been related. He had North African ancestry also it seems and decided to ensure he would ask Louis the 16th how good he is when he took control of a ship that was carrying the Real Marie Antoinette to France for her nuptials and threw her over board. Then they put in a sex operation who sought a lot of attention(Grimace!) and who was very loud but who could not have children so Louis the 16th had children wish a Boleyn girl further north and evaded what was an evident conspiracy to end the French Kingdom and turn it into a republic. 'Mission Impossible 3' may give you an idea of what type of person Cristobal Columbus is in the modern era and how he uses modern technology. and also who are his associates. Now, a gold ball sized nuclear device ( an anti God) could hold enough plutonium to destroy or at least poison and entire city. It could be strapped to a homing pigeon with a small GSM device on it that could be called from any where and then; kaboom! The real issue with Cristobal is that he says he was born a female. But, more than this, the Queen of Spain should have been enough. However, Cristobal wanted more than acknowledgement for his servanthood. He wanted to be the Roi at least once like Jeff Sessions and not just 'always the bridesmaid but never the king.' Remember that 300 years passed between 149 and 1792 in America so who is George Washington and who really ignited and managed any American indepdendence? Who is England except but a student of Rome with the Brit Milah as Rome named Britannia but I don't know if you understand what I am trying to say to you; students of Rome for all time immemorial and that is quite alright. Rome is quiet and it should be quiet; more pianissimo! England is the first truly native reserve but what good is there in any Anglo Pict native acting like a native from the Yukon is Illiterate for not knowing anything about Bach or Louis the 1st? Let us watch Ronin (movie; 1997) all day and all night long with Gregor! Good!

So, Cristobal was the first poster boy for authority.  He learned how to keep himself youthful but could he have been Louis then both Edward the 7th after the real Edward was killed at 45 years old and then also the masquerading  Louis the 15th after the real Louis the 15th was killed at 47 years old since I don't know any genuine French King who would take lessons from Louis the 14th and then teach it backward to the Louis the 16th only to see the end of a French Kingdom.  Now, the second poster boy for the authority was Hitler it seems.  Now, Louis the 16th was told by the masquerading Louis the 15th who was really the Wolf in Sheep's clothing to follow only the people, killing the French Kingdom softly  while the evidence indicates  Louis the 15th was taught by the 14th what was essential in state craft as far as following the Un Dieu; follow yourself, follow your many advisers and also hear the people! Cristobal masquerading as Louis the 15th taught Louis the 16th an abbreviated version. He told Louis the 16th to follow the people. He also tried to have a war for the authority be he was pushed back although he did get attention for how good he is or could be as Cristobal in heavy make up and the wig.    Hitler did the same as both an unwitting patsy and the illogical incalculable variable. Yes; he was determined and stupid enough. He did just fine to think any Germany had any real Nazi intention.    But, Louis the 16th was ham strung with the advice of the masquerader since who would kill his own kingdom with bad advice except but a pretender who wished to see himself as the only which is his habit!  Now, Cristobal is really King Saul ONE MORE TIME and his dna was incubated all over the West Indies where he had a strong seat of authority but where he did not enjoy official king status. However, no one doubts he was the de facto authority in the region and who may have decided to take a kingdom or two long enough to ask if anyone was paying attention and he was certainly experienced and well versed in how to lead his DOGS  that include the GRendel Troglodyte ship captains; one more time on the high seas. Now, Cristobal attempted to have a war with the assistance of another empire further east; possibly the Austrian-Hungarians to whom he may have been related. He had North African ancestry also it seems and decided to ensure he would ask Louis the 16th how good he is when he took control of a ship that was carrying the Real Marie Antoinette to France for her nuptials and threw her over board. Then they put in a sex operation who sought a lot of attention(Grimace!) and who was very loud but who could not have children so Louis the 16th had children wish a Boleyn girl further north and evaded what was an evident conspiracy to end the French Kingdom and turn it into a republic.   'Mission Impossible 3' may give you an idea of what type of person  Cristobal Columbus is in the modern era and how he uses modern technology. and also who are his associates.  Now, a gold ball sized nuclear device ( an anti God) could hold enough plutonium to destroy or at least poison and entire city.  It could be strapped to a homing pigeon with a small GSM device on it that could be called from any where and then; kaboom!  The real issue with Cristobal is that he says he was born a female. But, more than this, the Queen of Spain should have been enough. However, Cristobal wanted more than acknowledgement for his servanthood. He wanted to be the Roi at least once like Jeff Sessions and not just 'always the bridesmaid but never the king.' Remember that 300 years passed between 149 and 1792 in America so who is George Washington and who really ignited and managed any American indepdendence? Who is England except but a student of Rome with the Brit Milah as Rome named Britannia but I don't know if you understand what I am trying to say to you; students of Rome for all time immemorial and that is quite alright. Rome is quiet and it should be quiet; more pianissimo!  England is the first truly native reserve but what good is there in any Anglo Pict or Anglo Arawak native acting like a native from the Yukon is Illiterate for not knowing anything about Bach or Louis the 1st?   Let us watch Ronin (movie; 1997) all day and all night long with Gregor! Good! 


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