So, we ask ourselves about the efficiency of the fuels we use quite often.

So, we ask ourselves about the efficiency of the fuels we use quite often. Why is it that we are not cooking with whale oil?  Why  is that we are not using wood or coal to fuel a train and other forms of locomotion?    The truth is that new technology is the answer and we have a fascination with the "new" and inventive.   There is no other need for choosing new forms of propulsion except but that it is just quite "new" and "new" is exciting.  It could not be any care  or our care for the environment, wild life or efficiency itself that would cause us to switch from coal, wood or whale blubber oil to something less hazardous; seemingly less hazardous than those archaic fuel technologies. So, let's look forward to what the future offered us in the 1800's with hydrogen fuel as a means of energy for vehicle propulsion.  Look forward to Hydrogen. It's here now but you have to look for it to enjoy it.
Enjoy Auto Show(TM).  

Warren A. Lyon, Auto Show(TM).


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