Why a Chinese Gadget Company Can Make an Electric Car and Apple Can’t.

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Why a Chinese Gadget Company Can Make an Electric Car and Apple Can’t

Xiaomi, which produces smartphones and consumer electronics, delivered 135,000 E.V.s last year after tapping China’s robust manufacturing supply chain.

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A blue Xiaomi electric vehicle is on display on a stage in front of an audience.
Xiaomi displayed its new electric vehicle, the SU7 Ultra, at an event in Beijing on Thursday, along with a premium version of its latest smartphone.Credit...Tingshu Wang/Reuters

After nearly a decade of trying, Apple finally gave up its effort to produce an electric car last year, canceling a project that soaked up $10 billion.

But last year in China, the electronics maker Xiaomi launched its first electric car after just three years of development and delivered 

135,000 vehicles. It has vowed to double that number in 2025.

Xiaomi’s ability to succeed where Apple could not shows how thoroughly China has come to dominate the supply chain for electric vehicles. Chinese

 companies have mastered

 electric vehicle manufacturing. By tapping that infrastructure, Xiaomi was able to get components quickly and cheaply.



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