A long time ago, the Europeans designed a regenerative vehicle before WW1. The hydro-electric power generation station is really a large electric engine with the river turning the wheel. Smaller engines existed evidently like the automatic watch as an example that is more than a watch. It is an engine. The hydrogen powered vehicle was the European answer for a vehicle that would run on a fuel. They did not need it but it was designed. The Americans insisted on a liquid fuel that was portable and visible that you could hand to your neighbor if he ran out of fuel but who would run out of fuel in a hydrogen vehicle that you would need a neighbour to help you? The Europeans won the logical argument; for hegemony. This vehicle is 100 percent robotically assembled. The economy is dependent on people. The economy that has the most people with the most minimum income support wins as sales tax dollars are generated for the nation by sales at the cash register. Toyota! Hydrogen! We really don't need a dual economy in the vehicle industry since you must have noticed Honda's electric engines on each wheel hub capable of generating as much free energy horse power you want. On the Civic, it generates 90 horsepower and the gasoline engine is just to avoid your trauma. But, if you insist on a vehicle fuel economy this is the solution.

A long time ago, the Europeans  designed a regenerative vehicle before WW1. The hydro-electric power generation station is really a large electric engine with the river turning the wheel.  Smaller engines existed evidently like the automatic watch as an example that is more than a watch. It is an engine.  The hydrogen powered vehicle was the European answer for a vehicle that would run on a fuel. They did not need it but it was designed. The Americans insisted on a liquid fuel that was portable and visible that you could hand to your neighbor if he ran out of fuel but who would run out of fuel in a hydrogen vehicle that you would need a neighbour to help you?  The Europeans won the logical argument; for hegemony.   This vehicle is 100 percent robotically assembled.  The economy is dependent on people. The economy that has the most people with the most minimum income support wins as sales  tax dollars are generated  for the nation by sales at the cash register.      Toyota! Hydrogen! We really don't need a dual economy in the vehicle industry since you must have noticed Honda's electric engines on each wheel hub capable of generating as much free energy horse power you want. On the Civic, it generates 90 horsepower and the gasoline engine is just to avoid your trauma. But, if you insist on a vehicle fuel economy this is the solution.


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