Offset Contracts and International trade building your world and closing your cutting into the sales of your car father's home town old American car manufacturer. What is 7x7? In 1970, an American industrialist and politician made a deal with Asian countries that involved the next 300 years of America's industrial future but also the viability of American life when the wrong gamble was made on nuclear fuel in the face of new energy producing technologies as discovered by NASA scientists. The waste was sold to China as China had its own technology to use such waste in advance of any American recyclable technology. Yet, the Americans had the fuel cell that can be powered by the waste filtered out of sewage water; the methane and other Nitric elements that contain hydrogen or methane. The issue with this deal covering about three hundred years is that it involved an offset offered by the seller to the buyer as an incentive. Japan was also involved in the deal along with North and South Korea to have in roads into American car markets. The reason for the deal seems to be the same resistance in the local population to automation but a resistance that can be explained in the motive of human survival; either the robot or my family and I and most people chose their family along with themselves and may have destroyed automating technologies that some plants tried to install in the late 60's and late 70's but the issue is that. as they say, the side effect to a male erection pill is always in the detail. The contracts did not involve stifling consumption in the US while making competition more difficult for the American manufacturer in addition to also stifling the consumer in stifling consumption along with American neighborhoods and the American citizen. No. The deal also involved evidently a competition in manufacturing methods along with the tendency globally for capitalism to automate what job functions could be automated and save time, money and human energy where possible as seen in the cotton gin, the agricultural tractor and the type writer as examples along with the word processor eventually that we now take for granted yet this whole and entire process involved one detail that nobody should have had to spell out if you are abandoning the automotive process and that is the money to be put into the economy on both sides of the pacific in any event to consume the new wave of products being produced via automation for the American consumer in addition to the Japanese consumer and should someone have to tell the farmer how to put gas in the tractor that he ordered nd that if he does not, it will shut off? Consumption is what fuels an economy while if there is no money in the former and last American Car worker's hands or the former cashier who spent 30 years as a cashier after high school, then there is certainly less demand for the candles and the tv's coming in from Asia or from Philadelphia or Detroit. The Asians respected the arrangement involving the next 300 years along with the passionless non emotive decision to follow maximum automation to make the Puritan his product as he abandons the east and always goes west and put the money into the hands of the Asian consumer who was also certainly phased out of manufacturing in Asia since the Asian's hands are not smaller than an American's but a Robot's arms and the conveyor belt is the cheaper labor and the small hands that heard about in the news to justify all of the manufacturing going to Asia(and Asia can set up depots in America so the small American bausinss man can pick up his .50 cent consumables with his Toyota, pay for his small retail space at some mall with is basic income and sell the goods to shoppers while importing from Asia may mean he never gets the goods as the company in Asia may only really wish to sell with the Down town Oregon or Seattle Asian Sushi Restaurant owner's son and the stuff never shows up for the American and it was only a $20.00 order and Fed Ex has no idea what happened or the Post Office as employment is no longer the nexus between the two sides of the equation in any economy for the majority of consumers in Asia or in America as the equation involves production and consumption. It is money itself and in the absence of basic income of consumption income in whatever form it is arranged, maybe the United States Peace Core as the basic civic duty with consumption income for every citizen on assignment around America and various parts of the globe if not already in some other form of employment, then people will just watch the good pile up in the warehouse and in the shop while Asia made a commitment to the consumption income in respecting this money in every citizen's hand as the conduit or road that will transmit the vehicles, food, phones, televisions and other goods that manifest culture and certainly also civilization much like a road. The Book of Eli does not say where the rest of the world or where Africa is after some kind of holocaust but the civic involvement that may cause some people to crave a war is best answered in peaceful civic involvement as you celebrate a more perfect union and involvement with duty moving into the future.

Offset Contracts and International trade building your world and closing your cutting into the sales of your car  father's home town old American car manufacturer. What is 7x7?

In 1970, an American industrialist and politician made a deal with Asian countries that involved the next 300 years of America's industrial future but also the viability of American life when the wrong gamble was made on nuclear fuel in the face of new energy producing technologies as discovered by NASA scientists.  The waste was sold to China as China had its own technology to use such waste in advance of any American recyclable technology.  Yet, the Americans had the fuel cell that can be powered by the waste filtered out of sewage water; the methane and other  Nitric elements that contain hydrogen or methane. The issue with this deal covering about three hundred years is that it involved an offset offered by the seller to the buyer as an incentive.  Japan was also involved in the deal along with North and South Korea to have in roads into American car markets.  The reason for the deal seems to be the same resistance in the local population to automation but a resistance that can be explained in the motive of human survival; either the robot or my family and I and most people chose their family along with themselves and may have destroyed automating technologies that some plants tried to install in the late 60's and late 70's but the issue is that. as they say, the side effect to a male  erection pill is always in the detail. The contracts did not involve stifling consumption in the US while making competition more difficult for the American manufacturer in addition to also stifling the consumer in stifling consumption along with American neighborhoods and the American citizen. No.  The deal also involved evidently a competition in manufacturing methods along with the tendency globally for capitalism to automate what job functions could be automated and save time, money and human energy where possible as seen in the cotton gin, the agricultural tractor and the type writer as examples along with the word processor eventually that we now take for granted yet this whole and entire process involved one detail that nobody should have had to spell out if you are abandoning the automotive process and that is the money to be put into the economy on both sides of the pacific in any event to consume the new wave of products being produced via automation for the American consumer in addition to the Japanese consumer and should someone have to tell the farmer how to put gas in the tractor that he ordered nd that if he does not, it will shut off? Consumption is what fuels an economy while if there is no money in the former and last American Car worker's hands or the former cashier who spent 30 years as a cashier after high school, then there is certainly less demand for the candles and the tv's coming in from Asia or from Philadelphia or Detroit.
The Asians respected the arrangement involving the next 300 years along with the passionless non emotive decision to follow maximum automation to make the Puritan his product as he abandons the east and always goes west  and put the money into the hands of the Asian consumer who was also certainly phased out of manufacturing in Asia since the Asian's hands are not smaller than an American's but a Robot's arms and the conveyor belt is the cheaper labor and the small hands that heard about in the news to justify all of the manufacturing going to Asia(and Asia can set up depots in America so the small American bausinss man can pick up his .50 cent consumables with his Toyota, pay for his small retail space at some mall with is basic income and sell the goods to shoppers while importing from Asia may mean he never gets the goods as the company in Asia may only really wish to sell with the Down  town Oregon or Seattle  Asian Sushi Restaurant owner's son  and the stuff never shows up for the American and it was only a $20.00 order and Fed Ex has no idea what happened or the Post Office as employment is no longer the nexus between the two sides of the equation in any economy for the majority of consumers in Asia or in America as  the equation  involves production and consumption.  It is money itself and in the absence of   basic income of consumption income in whatever form it is arranged, maybe the United States Peace Core as the basic civic duty with consumption income for every citizen on assignment around America and various parts of the globe if not already in some other form of employment, then people will just watch the good pile up in the warehouse and in the shop while Asia made a commitment to the consumption income in respecting this money in every citizen's hand as the conduit or road that will transmit the vehicles, food, phones, televisions and other goods that manifest culture and certainly also civilization much like a road.  The Book of Eli does not say where the rest of the world or where Africa is after some kind of holocaust but the civic involvement that may cause some people to crave a war is best answered in peaceful civic involvement as you celebrate a more perfect union and involvement with duty moving into the future.


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