How can you build a space station in zero gravity?

How can you build a space station in zero gravity?   The best suggestion from a University of London graduate is, not in challenging your white authority but can anything good come of the University of London or Galilee?  I think "good" can.  So, build the station on earth with a modular design as the 2001 Space odyssey design is not practical except for the centre piece with a modular design that could have pods attached to it but the pods are really dockable capsules. I prefer the modular design where each modular piece is a controllable and independent ship of its own and also "lego"  attachable to other modular pieces that will be launched separately and that will have solar panels covering the outer shell above the heat shielding or that will actually function as heat shielding.   I prefer the triangular design.    I have mentioned it before on this television and on Londinium Tv channel.   The issue is also energy.  The grade 10 educated police officers who have the look for this video and image driven global society and who have the look will urinate as and when required but the urine and their feces is booster rocket fuel as enabled by a waste disposal system that will capture the methane in the waste use it to power the on board fuel cells that will also provide enough electricity for the station and this electricity will power turbo fan jets that will be located strategically around the parameter of the Station.  Remember Boba Fett's clothing iron space ship with jets on the bottom surface.    



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