How long will it take to stand and charge the vehicle at a charging station? Will it take as long as refueling on gasoline, propane or hydrogen that will take only minutes?

Recharging batteries for lawn mowers and fork lifts may make sense.  You  need them during work hours.  People usually sleep at night and some fork lifts may be needed 24 hours a day where several hours of battery charging is not feasible in a 24 hour operation where an hour of charging or more is not convenient when you are on the go to the next task in the day or in the operation.  Can you imagine being on a family vacation and for some reason your Audi Q7 or you Benz family van runs out of charge possibly due to unusually cold weather demanding more heat for the family's comfort and more windshield wiping that drains the battery?  How long will it take to stand and charge the vehicle at a charging station?  Will it take as long as refueling on gasoline, propane or hydrogen that will take only minutes?  If not, recharging a vehicle will not only be inconvenient for the busy business man, woman and family man or woman, it is also difficult to know how often you will need to recharge when there may be other unexpected demands and pulls on the batteries such as revving the engine in a snow drift where you could be stuck for hours.   If the battery powered vehicle is to forestall pollution, then you also have to think about convenience. Maybe people will talk as they stand in line at a vehicle recharging station.   The only complaint about the hydrogen fuel cell that is similar to the propane vehicle is that the only by product is a few water droplets on the pavement. Yet, the world is running out of drinkable water and water itself as those water droplets are just the expression of the hydrogen in its final stage of chemical process after powering the vehicle.  At this stage of our myopia, there is nothing wrong with more love and more water.  It might help growth in this little biosphere of paradise.  It is paradise.    A fully regenerative battery powered vehicle exists and it could be designed to look as beautiful as a Jeep(C) or as cute as a  Hyundai Veloster but it is evident that we need the vehicle to feed at least two major industries for our current economies:
1.  The Car sale industry;
2.  The energy  industry;
3.  The energy industry; and
4. The energy industry.

How long will it take to regenerate a biosphere as diverse as our planet on the day before we started to drill, spill, frack and suck dead, decayed flesh and blood out of the earth for the purposes of fueling an internal combustion engine?  There will be blood but...there is nothing wrong with a baptism of blood, water and an ethereal fuel called hydrogen.  Hydrogen fuel powering internal combustion engines  is a good solution to keep us working and generating income for distribution to the masses of consumers that will continue to buy the millions of gadgets, the clothing and the delicate foods produced and sold to us by automated electronic cashiers.  It is a decision as we literally decide to take energy out of our pockets to feed our economies when we know we could design a 600 horsepower machine that regenerates energy while operating and driving and that does not require fuel of any kind.   It is an automatic watch on four wheels.  Didn't you know?  Porsche knew!  It is a decision!  There are some industries who resented the shift away from oil blubber as a source of consumer energy; the whaling ships and the whalers.  They read the Revelations right after they stopped killing whales for lamp oil and other products.  But, it seems the ship captains and ship owners who retired some ships were compensated in the shift to great, abundant oil  for about 40 years since the decision to make the shift was about mutual benefit in the enjoyment of our tiny, little biosphere that is also capable of regeneration as we are fruitful in multiplying, taking dominion and replenishing this earth.  Every generation may decide that they will open the bible, read revelations and then decide that they will witness the prophecy in their lifetime.  The prophet John did not give mankind a perpetual Will to the death and destruction of mankind while we will read it from generation to generation. He wrote his prophecy on the Island of Patmos approximately in the year 96 A.D near the end of the reign of Emperor Domitian.   So, when the Bi-Planes of the British and Ottoman Military were flying over the fields of Megiddo  in 1918 with machine guns with men wearing goggles, this was the fulfillment of a prophecy.  The planes were a miracle.  The prophecy was a miracle.  I think you see the issue.  We have more bibles in our hands than a small account of modern history at the front or back of the book that may help us understand the markers in our current century that may be considered humbly  and potentially as fulfillment for time immemorial. So, compensate the bulk crude oil shipping companies for 40 years. If it is not direct compensation, guarantee them contracts for shipping our treasured gadgets built in China and shipped from Shenzhen.  Bring the new little robots and cool mobile communication devices.  The shipping companies were only paid a flat fee.  That's why we win!


By Warren Augustine Lyon. 


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