The Gemera; a religious book but it is also a new production vehicle from Koenigsegg.


1677-HP Koenigsegg Gemera 

The Gemera is an essential component of the Talmud, comprising a collection of rabbinical analyses and commentaries on the Mishnah and presented in 63 books. 

But, the Koenigsegg Gemera is also a new production vehicle with exciting design.  But, is it electric?  

This is an exciting four seat vehicle and an excellent acquisition or addition to the stock of four seat coupes now in the buyer market.  

It is unique, offering the best if quality, performance and design and will sit well beside your two seat GT3.   It seems your wife or girlfriend will probably prefer the Gemera for most daily driver outings and it is hoped that Koenigsegg will bring a mass market SUV to market very soon also. What if you were told the KIA EV6 was really a Koenigsegg?  That would be an exciting mass market benchmark.  It Has 3 Electric Motors, 4 Seats and 8 Cupholders


1677-HP Koenigsegg Gemera 


It is a Super man vehicle, an X man vehicle with super powers as seen in the 1677 HP technology. It is powered by a 2.0 litre in line 3 cylinder engine design with 2582 lb-ft of torque.  

The overhead profile reminds us of sophisticated modern fighter aircraft.

The vehicle captures  our every imagination  and some wonder whether the company will design small passenger aircraft for companies such as Lear jet or Bombardier.  Such products may carry a similar price point as this vehicle is earmarked for those who inhabit the island named Rich and Famous and  is possibly available to those hoping to arrive on that Island  but who might only afford a memorable, unforgettable weekend rental.     This vehicle may be more competitive on the track when tested next to the Chiron or Veyron and it is certainly more competitive with the baby seats and the wife's need; the need for baby seats and speed.  

The vehicle is on sale around the world at McLaren Dealerships and at Koenigsegg.    

The price is a whisper and you can contact the dealers for a quote that is usually just over $1.2 million dollars. 

Automobile ™  Television 



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