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Check out the Renault Gallery in Paris while travelling. It is worth the visit; enjoy!


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The Formula 1 Exhibition: Madrid, Vienna, Toronto.

Porsche 75

Are you enjoying economic subjection? Is there a government feeding you? If not, why not? You are just a kid. Is someone stealing your mail and the government has not stopped them? Why and how is it possible? We are all the "no one" suffering boredom with automation taking away the worst jobs also now very soon but there is always something we can do; if not in our own country maybe we take our income support and our boredom and offer to do all kinds of jobs in some other country; taking jobs away from the locals who maybe do not cooperate among themselves to ensure everyone has an income support and that everyone has a sufficient income support. So, we take the jobs also. What is the point to these people who are hungry and angry and do not pay enough income support sufficiently but then they choose to steal from the banks and then also the supermarkets so the super market company and the fast food company does not trust them as employees; nor the banks. Everything is getting old when the technology is changing every 3 to 6 months. A gasoline engine and the vehicle that is propelled by it, seems unusually dirty and out of sink with the current world no matter how expensive the brand with all of those pipes, parts, crank shafts; oily cylinders etc for the propulsion in a world full of electric vehicles that are fuel cell powered and fueled by hydrogen. There is also the totally regenerative vehicle with electric motors. Welcome to Propulsion(TM). We look forward to the Volkswagen TAOS or ATLAS with the Volkswagen ID5 or ID7 technology. Xavier Julius Wolf.


Now that we are in talks for the sale of Automobile Television™, we plan to change the name to Propulsion™. Thank you. Propulsion ™ is a trademark used by Entwerfen ™ Media.

Automobile Television™ and AUTO RENNEN AFRICA™ are now available for $9000.00 each with a proper exchange of contracts.

Chicago Auto Show